Address of the Stadium
1601 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
There’s no guarantee of getting an autograph, but our players are pretty amazing so if you, or someone you know is looking for an autograph, stick around after the match, close to the field. You never know who might circle around.
Bag Policy
The Albuquerque Isotopes encourage fans to leave all bags at home to speed up the entry process into the stadium.
If a fan chooses to bring in a bag, the following rules apply:
· All bags are subject to search
· Each fan may carry one bag of any size that is clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC, or a clear plastic freezer bag (Ziploc bag or similar).
· Bags within bags will not be permitted — all items must be clearly visible within one acceptable/approved clear bag.
· For guests with medical or childcare needs such as diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, breast pumps, insulin, or medications those items may be brought in a separate non-clear medical or diaper bag, and those bags are subject to search upon entry into the stadium. Only childcare or medical items may be carried inside of these bags, all other personal items must be carried in an approved clear bag.
· Any bags not meeting these requirements will not be allowed inside the ballpark. If a bag is turned away at the gate due to not following the clear bag policy, it will need to be returned to the fan’s vehicle. The Isotopes do not provide storage for bags.
· Blankets and jackets must be carried in separately and are subject to search.
Children Tickets
Children two years of age and older require a ticket.
Full concessions are available at every match.
Flagpole Policy
Only flexible, PVC poles are permitted inside Rio Grande Credit Union Field at Isotopes Park. Wood, metal, hard plastic or expandable poles will not be allowed inside the park.
Gates Open
Gates will open 60 minutes prior to the schedule kickoff. Be sure to follow the club on social media or check the website because kickoff times may change.
Merchandise For Sale at Matches
We do have merchandise tents for match days, but please be advised that our merchandise lines are incredibly busy.
Outside Food and Drinks
No outside food or drinks permitted, except for sealed bottled water.
If you purchased a parking pass, you’ve already paid for the season. Otherwise it’s $12 a match.
See the parking map here.
The Albuquerque Isotopes do not allow tailgating on Isotopes Park property. Tailgating in the surrounding parking lots is governed by the UNM Police Department, who can be reached at (505) 277-2241.
Additional questions items are addressed in our A to Z Guide. If you do not see your question feel free to email info@newmexicoutd.com.